A little bit about us, and a lot about our cats.
We live in a nice and quiet quiet road on Oppegård, in an old two-storey house (2nd floor), with a large garden. My partner and I live with our cats who are Abyssinians and our domestic cat Muffin (who came to us the summer of 2019). We got our 1st Abyssinian cat in the fall of 2002. It was IC Ingave's Zita (or Cleo) that she was named here with us. Cleo also became the beginning of our small breeding. We got our breeding name (N)Mayas Pride in the fall of 2003. We got our 1st Abyssinian litter April 2004. And since then there have been many fine litters.
Why did we end up with a domestic cat and the breed Abyssinian cats? I got my first domestic cat already as a 2 year old and have had several up over the years. When I moved with my partner, we agreed that we should get a cat. But at that time there were no kittens to find around where we live, so we had to go all the way to Fredrikstad (east of Oslo) to get Lazy DSM. We picked her up in February 2002. We didn't have to choose between her and her siblings, she chose Espen (partner)!!! She quickly became a real "daddy's girl" and cuddly lump. But I also wanted a cat! I have always been fascinated by Abyssinian cats and the far East, and have always associated that type of cat with Egypt. One fall day in 2002 I came across an ad that said it was an Abyssinian litter for sale in Ski (not far from us). Then I knew that the dream of getting such a beautiful cat was pretty close :-) We were lucky enough to get a beautiful little Ruddy Abyssinian girl named Ingave's Zita (or Cleo that she was called here), by Inger and Kåre Nave. Cleo gave us 3 nice litters before she was neutered Unfortunately, we had to say "good night" to this lovely personality in the fall of 2014. But Cleo will forever have a big place in our hearts. Her ("sister" of another breed) Lazy DSM, left us in the spring of 2018 16.5 years old. Lazy will always be missed. She was special and loved by us, cat judges and the public. Lazy loved cat shows, and eventually got the title DSM (Distinguished Show Merit). She also got 43 Best In Show. Our new little domestic cat girl Muffin, also seems to thrive on cat shows and is doing well. Since 2002 we have expanded our cat family with several Abyssinian cats. We often travel to cat shows with both our Abyssinian cats and our domestic cat. Everyone has done and is doing very well at shows. Cat exhibition and breeding are incredibly exciting and educational. As a breeder you are never fully trained. Each new litter offers new challenges, lessons and lots of joy (and a few sorrows).
Inger and Kåre Nave have been and still are our mentors and close friends when it comes to exhibitions and other things we can ask of, if there is anything. So we are eternally grateful that we were so lucky to get Cleo from them. We just want to have a small breed of Abyssinian cats. We do not have many litters per year. (about 1-2 litters a year). Our goal is for our cats and their offspring to be of high quality with good health, healthy and confidant cats. Furthermore, we want to make sure that the cats we send from us, go to good permanent homes (preferably without too much car traffic, allergies, etc.), where they live happy lives, and are loved and cared for.

The house we live in and the guest house.

The cat's "yard".
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